Omar Khadr
July 15, 2010 A Short Word on What Every Law Abiding Canadian should Add to the Saga of Omar Khadr and the Harperite Government Almost every editorial writer in every newspaper in the western world has urged the Canadian Government to follow the law of Canada and repatriate Khadr to this country. The Harperite Government together with two Presidents of the US, claim to be executing justice. Pontious Pilate said as much when he was asked to intervene in the case of history’s Great Martyr. Those who would claim a martyrdom for Omar Khadr and who hate everything for which the West claims to stand, for sure, will never accept that Omar Khadr threw that grenade (even if he did). But they will note the effort of Two World Powers to find guilty and punish this (extraordinary) young man. Obama and the US will escape blame even when Omar is condemned. Americans are a revengeful, bloody lot who celebrate their exceptionalism and their refusals from international Laws and Conventions.